International Area Organization of FMCA

Standing Rules

2024 Proposed Changes to Standing Rules

Latest version adopted August 2019

Download the latest version of the INTO Area Standing Rules (PDF)

International Area Organization (INTO) Executive Board officers are expected to attend, if at all possible, all FMCA international conventions, INTO rallies, and meetings of the INTO Executive Board and Board of Directors. Their duties include, but are not limited, to the following:


The President, as INTO’s chief executive officer, has the duty and responsibility to promote
INTO’s welfare and progress, preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and Executive
Board; and exercise supervision and control of the affairs and business of INTO. He/She shall
perform all duties incident to his/her office and such other duties as may be required by law, by
the Articles of Incorporation, or by the Bylaws of INTO. He/She shall be responsible for
planning and implementing an annual INTO rally unless it is not feasible to hold an annual

Senior Vice President

The Senior Vice President shall, in the absence or disability of the President, or in the event of
his/her refusal to act, perform all the duties of the President relating to INTO. When so acting,
he/she shall have the powers of and be subject to the restrictions of the President. The Senior
Vice President shall assist the President and shall perform the duties assigned by the President,
the Executive Board, and/or the Board of Directors. The Senior Vice President shall assist the President with the overall planning of the annual INTO rally, including financial control and
allocation, and the identification and evaluation of proposed rally sites. He/she shall assist the
President in visiting already formed Chapters and in forming new International Area Chapters.
A report of each visit identifying Chapter name, date and brief description of issues discussed
shall be submitted to the President. He/she shall coordinate with the Vice Presidents visits with
Chapters who meet during the international conventions.

Vice Presidents

The four Vice Presidents shall perform all duties and directives as designated by the President
and Senior Vice President. They shall assist the President and Senior Vice President in visiting
already formed Chapters and in forming new International Area Chapters. They shall visit with
Chapters who meet during the 2 international conventions and shall represent INTO to the
Chapters and represent the Chapters to INTO. A report of each visit identifying Chapter name,
date and brief description of issues discussed shall be submitted to the President. They shall
help to secure volunteers from the Chapters for the INTO Rally and FMCA conventions.


The Secretary shall perform all duties incident to the office, and such duties as may be required
by the Bylaws or which, may be assigned by the President, Executive Board and/or Board of
Directors. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of Executive Board and annual meetings shall
certify all votes taken, and shall maintain a record of the Executive Board Officers and the
members of the Board of Directors. He/She shall be custodian of permanent records and shall
be responsible for correspondence He/She shall be responsible for notifying the FMCA National
office of any changes to the Bylaws, providing them a copy of the revised Bylaws. The
Secretary shall prepare for the annual meeting by preparing voting credentials for the Board of
Directors and by obtaining FMCA’s official Governing Board attendance roster to identify the
voting delegate for each Chapter. He/She shall arrange for checking in each Chapter’s voting
member of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board members and for determining if a
quorum is present for the annual meeting.


The Treasurer shall perform all duties incident to the office, as designated by the Executive
Board and/or Board of Directors, as required by law, the Articles of Incorporation or the Bylaws
He/She shall receive all funds and pay all bills of INTO under the direction of its officers and
Directors. The Treasurer shall make a financial report at each meeting. Within one month after
expiration of his/her term of office, he/she shall deliver to the incoming Treasurer all monies,
vouchers, books and papers in his/her custody, with all postings made to date of delivery. The
Treasurer shall have charge and custody of, and be responsible for, all funds and securities. All
such funds shall be deposited in the name of INTO in banks, trust companies, or other depositories as shall be selected by the Treasurer and approved by the Executive Board. He/She shall prepare an annual budget for INTO for review with the Executive Board and for approval during the annual meeting by the Board of Directors. He/She shall render to the President, Executive Board or Board of Directors, whenever it is requested, an account of any and all transactions made and the financial conditions of INTO. At the expiration of his/her term of office, the Treasurer shall within thirty (30) days, submit his/her records for examination and approval by the audit committee.

The Immediate Past President shall serve in an advisory capacity only to the Executive Board.
His/her attendance at meetings of the Executive Board shall not be counted in determining if a quorum is present.

The annual meeting, which is also the required business meeting, shall be held during FMCA’s
second National convention scheduled during the fiscal year.

The President, with the approval of the Executive Board, may by resolution, authorize any officer
or agent to enter into any contract, or execute and deliver a binding instrument, in the name of and on
behalf of INTO. Such authority may be general or confined to a specific instance. Unless so authorized,
no officer or agent shall have the power or authority to bind INTO or render it liable monetarily for any

The Nominating Committee

  • If someone who is nominated is not present at the meeting, the person nominating him/her
    must provide written proof that the person has agreed to serve if elected.
  • Results of the election shall be published in the next issue of The International Travelers, the
    International Area newsletter, and announced at the next meeting.
  • The Nominating Committee shall serve until the next Nominating Committee is elected.

The procedures for nominating and electing officers are as follows:

  • The Nominating Committee shall have approximately one (1) year following their election to prepare a slate of officers for election.
  • The Nominating Committee shall seek candidates for the offices of Senior Vice President, four (4) Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer. Solicitations for nominees interested in office shall be published in The International Traveler, the International Area newsletter.
  • The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of qualified candidate(s) for each office. If the Committee identifies more than one (1) qualified candidate for the office of Senior Vice President and/or more than four (4) qualified candidates for the four (4) Vice President positions, all names shall be included in the slate. The same procedure shall apply to the office of Secretary as well as the office of Treasurer. The Committee shall obtain a resume not to exceed seven hundred and fifty (750) words showing his/her qualifications for office. The Nominating Committee report and record of acceptance and resume for each candidate shall be provided to the President for distribution to the Executive Board. The report shall be published in the next issue of The International Traveler, the International Area newsletter. (Approximate date for submitting the report, acceptances, and resumes to the President is April 1.)
  • The Nominating Committee shall arrange for preparation of electronic ballots for election.
    The ballot shall note that the Board of Directors’ member is to vote for no more than one (1) candidate for the office of Senior Vice President, four (4) candidates for the office of Vice President, and one (1) candidate each for the offices of Secretary and Treasurer. Two (2) spaces for write-in votes shall be on the ballot for each office.
  • The Nominating Committee shall transmit the ballots and resumes, to the Board of Directors’ members at the email address on record with FMCA. Only one (1) ballot shall be transmitted to each Board of Directors’ member. If a Chapter’s National Director is serving as an Executive Board officer, the ballot shall be transmitted to the Chapter’s Alternate National Director. A minimum of thirty (30) days shall be allowed between the date of transmission and the return date the ballots are due for tabulation. For the offices of Vice President, the four (4) candidates receiving the greatest number of votes shall be declared elected. (Approximate date for transmitting ballot to Board of Directors’ members is May 1.)
  • Election results shall be published in The International Traveler, the International Area newsletter. (Approximate date for election results is July 1.)
  • Newly elected officers shall be inducted and shall take office immediately following the next annual meeting.

Procedures for reimbursement of Executive Board travel will be as follows:

  • The administrative travel budget for chapter visitation approved by the Board of Directors at the annual meeting will be divided between the Sr. Vice President and the four Vice Presidents.
    This will be accomplished at the Executive Board meeting following the annual meeting.
  • Reimbursement for a single chapter visit will not exceed $250.
  • Only visitation to an assigned chapter will be reimbursed and is limited to one visit to an
    individual chapter in a calendar year.
  • No reimbursement will be provided if the Vice President is a member of the chapter.
  • The Vice President shall file a report with the Secretary on the Chapter visitation.
  • All requests for reimbursable travel must be approved by the President before the start of the travel.
  • Approved travel reimbursement request with receipts shall be submitted to the Treasurer for payment. The Treasurer shall be copied on all requests.
  • The Secretary and Treasurer may submit a request to the President for reimbursable travel identifying the necessity for travel and the source of funding.
  • If the Treasurer has approved travel reimbursement, the request for reimbursement shall be approved by the Senior Vice President, before reimbursement is made.
  • The administrative cost for Executive Board meeting per member will not exceed the amount set for a chapter visit.

Procedures for Cash/Debit Card use will be as follows:

  • Cash/ Debit Cards will be handled similar to petty cash.
  • Each use of the Cash/Debit Card must be supported by receipt, what was purchased and the reason for the purchase, and who authorized the purchase.
  • The Treasurer will on a monthly basis, reconcile the bank statement showing the Cash/Debit Card transactions to insure all transactions have been recorded.
  • The Cash/Debit Card will be safeguarded similar to cash on hand to insure no unauthorized use of said card.

The President is authorized to approve payment of non-budgeted expenditures and services for an
amount less than $1,000. Between Board of Directors’ meetings, non-budgeted or emergency
purchases and services for $1,000 or larger shall be approved by the Executive Board.